Botox your Blog
Nov6Written by:
2009/11/06 12:44 PM
Botox! What is it? Why do people use it? Well acutall Botox® is a protein derived from botulism toxin. In large doses, the protein causes botulism, a rare paralytic illness often linked to food poisoning.
However, the protein is used in cosmetic medicine to treat moderate to severe brow furrow (glabellar lines), uncontrolled blinking, lazy eye, wrinkles, and facial creases. These procedures use a small amount of diluted botulinum toxin that enables controlled weakening of muscles.
I'm not suggesting that you poison your blog or paralyze it. But perhaps your blog is in need of a quick face lift. A quick injection of some protein that will give your blog a new lease on life.
We can learn a lesson from all the beautiful women who use Botox. Yes it might be an image thing, and even perhaps a self confidence thing. But used correctly its effects can be life changing and moral boosting.
Botox is not just used for cosmetic purposes. Now days Botox has a wide variety of uses, from treating depression to headaches, to treating excessive sweating and muscle spasms.
So how can this help my blog then?
Get rid of the wrinkles.
Are there some old and washed out things on your blog? Does your blog look tired and washed out? Get rid of those things that drain the life from your blog. Sometimes less is more. Rejuvenate your blog by getting rid of the old and injecting the new. Perhaps change a few colours, add a new banner. Maybe be as drastic as changing the theme.
Increase your smile.
Nobody likes a sad looking blog, or a blog that frowns. Make your blog look joyful and happy. How do you do this? Well it starts with you. If you are not joyful and happy, your emotions will certainly show in your blog. Bring back the passion in your life and in your blog. Inject some emotion into your blog. Cause people to cry and smile, laugh and giggle.
Lift the sagging...
Are there things on your blog that are neglected? Does your blog look like it’s about to drop to the floor? Give your blog a lift. Inject some firmness into it. Resurrect those old posts that were traffic winners. Concentrate on what makes your blog unique and pour more energy into that. We all get tired, our shoulders start to drop, and we lose enthusiasm. You need to beef up you blog with new and exciting, quality, meaty content. Make your blog attractive once again.
Stress is a huge killer. Don't fret too much about your blog. Learn to relax. Learn to have fun. Loosen up a bit. Don't be as serious. Once you start to relax about your blog and not stress too much about it, you will find freedom to improve it. Suddenly new ideas will stream in. You will find renewed energy to pour into your blog. You will start to have fun. Blogging should not be a burden.
Take control.
Muscle spasms are a terrible thing to live with. You often feel helpless and out of control. Do you feel like that with your blog? Take control. Find your niche. Realise that it is hard work and not a free ride. If you find a weakness, a weak area in your blog, concentrate on fixing it.
Like everything else there are risks involved. Many people have suffered drastically from Botox. From allergies to botched applications causing faces to distort. Be careful when changing your blog. If you are weary, perhaps it is best to ask for professional help. Perhaps you need to consult with friends. That’s the beauty about the blogosphere, there is an abundance of help around.
Here's to your blogging success.
Related Reading:
5 Ways to improve your blog.
5 Great tips to improve your website and blog.
15 Reasons why your blog sucks
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blog comments powered by 7 comment(s) so far...
Re: Botox your Blog
Great use of metaphor here, Robert. I think it's good from time to time to give our blogs some cosmetic surgery. If I may be so bold as to suggest you remove the archive calendar, but leave the archive list. It is sort of doubling up. Just a thought.
Keep up the great blogging, brother! :)
By Gordie Rogers on
2009/11/06 02:36 PM
Re: Botox your Blog
Thanks Gordie,
Good suggestion. If I could I would. For this blog software, it seems that the Calendar is and archive are one module. I must see if there is a way to disable it. I might even have to hack the code. But point well taken Thanks By Robert Bravery on
2009/11/06 02:47 PM
Re: Botox your Blog
Nice reminder to assess your blog's appearance and perhaps put on a little fresh make-up. By Jimi Jones on
2009/11/06 02:51 PM
Re: Botox your Blog
Love the analogies! And I totally agree about using a smile. I do think we bloggers can take ourselves too seriously sometimes. By Mike CJ on
2009/11/06 06:43 PM
Re: Botox your Blog
Great comparison. I'm feeling a little stale myself and wishing for a bloggy makeover. hehe
By Erica Mueller on
2009/11/06 07:51 PM
Re: Botox your Blog
A rather creative blog post. By Patty Reiser on
2009/11/07 07:14 AM
Re: Botox your Blog
I LOVE analogies. :) And this is a good one. I just redid my blog template a week or two ago (including a header I designed myself), added photos of me, and some little niftys. Plus, I started doing stuff with twitter and my existing network on Facebook. And the combined image + amount of traffic to my site is amazing. :)
Thanks for another great inspirational post. I always like reading your stuff. By Leighann Garber on
2009/11/10 01:59 AM