Apple iPod – New Weapon of Mass Destruction
Aug3Written by:
2009/08/03 05:20 PM
Admittedly, Apple do make some very cool stuff. I have to say that the new Mac look cools. As do their gadgets. Like the iPod. My son has been saving up to buy the iPod classic. But after hearing of exploding iPods, I wonder if that is such a good thing.
Got word of this from none other than Twitter. After following up the lead I came across an article on Times Online, where an iPod of an 11 year old girl, exploded and flew 10ft into the air. This has not been the first reported incident of an exploding iBomb,oops sorry, iPod.
Apple have tried to deny liability, even trying to silence the 11 yr old and her family with a gag order.
I wonder if these iPods will be allowed on Planes. I mean really, it could bring a whole plane down. Talk about Weapons of Mass Destruction. I mean they frisk you and search everything. Confiscating nail files to any bottles or containers that might contain flammable or explosive material. Be prepared to give up your iBomb.
Fortunately I have never heard of Microsoft Windows exploding. But then I am also isolated here in South Africa.
Image courtesy of the Times Online
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