Bill Gates says no to Facebook.
Jul28Written by:
2009/07/28 11:37 AM 
Bill Gates confessed at an event in New Delhi on July 25 that he gave up on Facebook because he couldn’t keep up with the friend requests. Gates remarked that there were “10,000 people wanting to be my friends” after he tried out the service, and it was time consuming to decide if he “knew this person, did I not know this person”.
Gates told a New Dheli business forum crowd that he had been forced to quit the site due to it being "just way too much trouble" to deal with.
I read this on Mashable. But what interested me the most was a mock-up of what Bill Gates’ Facebook page might look like, courtesy of PC World
I just had to laugh at the competitive updates between Apple’s Steve Jobs, and Bill Gates. Have a look at the below graphic, It’s hilarious. Click on the pic to get a larger more legible view.
With Microsoft’s $240 Million stake in Facebook I wonder how involved Bill really is in FB. In fact I am sure Microsoft will try to have some sort of input. Even if it is just casual influence.
You can also visit his unofficial Facebook fan page.
Perhaps you could come up with a few FB updates between the two of your own. Share them in the comments.

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