Flight Attendant doing the rap
Jul9Written by:
2009/07/09 11:10 AM 
Advertising is a very competitive market in and of itself. Getting people to recognise your product is one thing. Keeping them interested is a totally different matter. With so many advertising campaigns going on today, many are very stereotypical, boring and monotonous.
A good example of the lack of attention is in the in-flight announcements of most airlines. So many of us who have travelled very seldom watch the in-flight announcements, which include the safety announcements. If you ever look around the cabin you will find most people pre-occupied with something else, rather than focusing their attention on the important announcements.
Companies are challenged to come up with innovative methods to keep peoples attention. This is no less important for bloggers. We have to always come up with new ideas, new posts, new ways of keeping loyal readers coming back to our blogs, as well as attracting new readers. We don’t want our blogs to be boring and stereotypical.
Airlines now are looking for ways and means to get their message across. Have a look at what South West Airlines have done and how they got their passengers to interact. This is great.
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