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Mourn South Africa – we are a sick nation.


Written by:
2009/07/09 10:29 AM RssIcon

babyinhands We mourn and cry and give world wide coverage to Michael Jackson’s death. Fans all around the world are in shock. But he lived a full life. He’s death was probably a result of his lifestyle. Drugs, medication, who knows. Point is, he lived his live the way he wanted. He seems to be making more money in his death than in the last 10 years. But when a 16 month baby gets shot over a cellular phone, all we say is “oh shame”. Mourn South Africa. We are a sick and violent society. When we kill our children for the sake of a simple cell phone, then we are in terrible trouble.

A 16-month-old baby was shot dead during a robbery in Eersterust, Pretoria, police said on Wednesday. Captain Johannes Maheshu said two gun-wielding men, aged between 20 and 26, broke a window to gain entry into the house in Eeinheid's Place in the early hours of Tuesday morning. The occupants included a man, his wife, their three daughters and the baby.

"They woke up the family, tied the husband up and ransacked the house. They only made off with a cell phone and an undisclosed amount of cash," Maheshu said.

According to Beeld newspaper, one of the men shot the baby in the head, after they could not find a cell phone on the wife. The Mail & Guardian - Baby shot dead in Pretoria robbery

Why shoot the baby, he did nothing wrong? He still had his whole life to live. What is South Africa doing about this? Are we mourning this as much as we did with Michael Jackson? What about this family, what recompense will they get, what justice?

If any thing else, this is the one case that should be cause to bring back the death penalty. I am sick to my stomach. I have two children, 12 year old son and a 2 year old daughter. I can’t even imagine what would happen if they were taken because of a useless cell phone, or because of anything else. What price do we put on our children?

We are indeed a sick society. A society that has no regard for human life, no sense of protection for the weak and feeble. No care for the young.

I am reminded of a verse in the Bible: “Mat 18:6  But whoever shall offend one of these little ones who believes in Me, it would be better for him that an ass's millstone were hung around his neck, and he be sunk in the depth of the sea.”

We should take note, these guys should be hung or thrown into the sea. You can’t believe how angry I am. These criminals will have their life spared. But what about the baby, what about the parents and the family. I am disgusted, sick, and ashamed to be called a South African.

One thing is for sure, these criminals might not get their just rewards here on earth, but their time will come, of that I am certain.

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PS. Please take our poll on the Death Penalty on the top left of the page.

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7 comment(s) so far...


Re: Mourn South Africa – we are a sick nation.

Man, this is really shocking news, :( In a few months time I will be a father and I love my unborn baby so much sometimes i think i'm obsessed, I can't imagine what I would do if this (God forbid) ever happened to me, and I can imagine the pain the parents must be going thrught right now.

These animals that did this, must be caught and brought to justice and I hope the media covers this as they did the whole MJ death thing.

Grrrr..... this is appauling.

By Calvin on  2009/07/09 11:03 AM

Re: Mourn South Africa – we are a sick nation.

Sori I spelt appalling wrongly again...

By Calvin on  2009/07/09 11:05 AM

Re: Mourn South Africa – we are a sick nation.

Rob - a sad day indeed.
My fear is that South Africans are becoming more and more sensitised to the level of violence happening around them, which prevents real emotions being provoked leading to little action being taken to stamp it out!
Bloggers like yourself and others with voices should be demanding action against the senseless violence and make it a better place for everyone to live! Good job for raising the profile of this defenceless baby's demise at the hands of cowardly criminals!

By Andy on  2009/07/09 11:06 AM

Re: Mourn South Africa – we are a sick nation.

Yes, even in peaceful New Zealand we have cruel examples where people brutally physically abuse children. It's sickening. My natural response is to want to horse-whip them. It's just so sad.

Thanks for the moving post, Robert.

Gordie Rogers (Twitter12 member).

By Gordie Rogers on  2009/07/09 12:11 PM

Re: Mourn South Africa – we are a sick nation.

I'm sick to my stomach and also ashamed to be classified as a south african. I have a three year old daughter and worry for her every day of my life to the point that i am afraid to send her to creche every morning. Cause not even in our creches are our kids safe.

By Nathaniel on  2009/07/09 12:34 PM

Re: Mourn South Africa – we are a sick nation.

Shocking and unbelievable. A person who doesn't care about the life of a baby should not be classified as living being and by all means deserve to die. The baby is defenseless and wonder what is in the mind of such a person aiming a gun towards innocent tender soul. There is a verse in the bible 'He took care when creating us. All life is important and shouldn't be wasted'

By kachwanya on  2009/07/09 05:46 PM

Re: Mourn South Africa – we are a sick nation.

This really is sad. People usually don't believe me when I speak of the crime in SA. Here's yet another example of the self-centeredness that is happening, not just in SA, but around the world. As for Jackson's death, it is insane the amount of US news coverage this perverted, twisted man is getting when the only positive thing he gave us was a few good songs. Keep posting and sharing. Love the inclusion of scripture in the blog!

By tory almond on  2009/07/09 09:49 PM
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