Upgrades to Twitter followers and following sections
Jul8Written by:
2009/07/08 10:11 AM 
All good sites continually try to improve. They try to make is more user friendly, add more features and functions. For a site like twitter, if it wants to continue to be on top it has to evolve, change and get better.
Twitter seems to understand this as they have upgraded their followers and following sections. If you click on your followers or following you will notice some new features.
First thing you notice is that there is some new buttons atop you list of followers. You can use these to expand and collapse your follower list.

Then you will notice two new buttons under actions for each user under actions. The first one on the left is to either follow or un-follow each user. This depends on which screen you’re in. If you are on the following screen the you will just see one button.
Then there is the extra actions and features. Allowing you to Block, Follow, DM and Mention your Followers.

blog comments powered by 1 comment(s) so far...
Re: Upgrades to Twitter followers and following sections
It's a pisser that Twitter is blocked along with Facebook in China. I enjoy using Twitter.com.
Anyway, the new changes are a step in the right direction. I think it would be great if they added a "who's following you" check box in your ''followers" section. By Gordie Rogers on
2009/07/08 02:25 PM