You know it’s cold when…
Jul8Written by:
2009/07/08 09:14 AM 
It’s been a bit chilly lately here in South Africa. I know that in other parts of the world, people say that it is a mild summer compared to their winter. But living in Sunny South Africa, getting used to sun, warmth and the general outdoor life does play havoc when the temperature drops. But then, who are we to say when it is cold or not. Maybe we should take our cue from nature.

We wrap ourselves up snugly with blankets, sit in front of fires or heaters, put on all the clothes we possess to stay warm. We in South Africa are not built for for the cold. Our houses are made for hot summers. We do not have double glazed windows, nor do we have boilers and central heating.
When nature says it is cold then it is cold. Especially when they come into your house and take over your nice warm fireplace. Check this out, posted on Twitpic by rose_cohen. Now this is when I think it is safe to say that it is cold.
Do you have a cold story or pic to share? Share them in the comment box below, remember to post the link where your pic is hosted.
blog comments powered by 3 comment(s) so far...
Re: You know it';s cold when
I'll dig out my cold photo and post a link here. But it's weird, living in The Canaries, that we actually forget what cold feels like. The coldest it gets here in winter is around 15 degrees centigrade (and that's in the middle of the night). The one thing I miss is having an open fire to snuggle around on a winter's night! By Mike CJ on
2009/07/08 09:56 AM
Re: You know it’s cold when…
Wow only 15c in the middle of the night. What are the summers like? I bet you spend most of your time in the water. By Robert Bravery on
2009/07/08 10:19 AM
Re: You know it's cold when...
You know it's cold when... thrown rubber dog toys shatter when they hit the ground. Kind of spoils the game. By Tschet on
2009/07/08 03:23 PM