Debugging and monitoring web application part II
Jun1Written by:
2009/06/01 10:47 AM 
The worth of a programmer is not necessarily in hi ability to write code, but also in hist design and debugging ability. Any one can write code. It's designing that killer app, then making it work, by having the ability to trace find and exterminate bugs.
Bugs are part and parcel of modern day programming. More time is spent on debugging than actual programming. Not havi9ng good debug skills or good and effective debugging tools can greatly hamper the final process.
I have written a small beginners tutorial on debugging and monitoring a web application in C#. This is part II.
In part I we spoke about debugging a web application in Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Web Developer Express edition. Using the debugging tools made available to us. We found that these tools were extremely helpful in isolating and tracking down bugs if we know how to use the tools correctly.
In part II we will be looking at how to use the trace utility for tracking down those elusive bugs. As well as looking at custom error pages.
Take a look at Debugging and monitoring web application part II
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