Dotnet Rocks
May16Written by:
2009/05/16 09:47 AM 
Whether you’re new to .NET or whether you are a guru, you still need help. Perhaps more so when you’re new to .NET. The Internet is filled with Tutorials and tutorial sites. That's what makes it so great. Which one to choose though, or which one is the best, has often been asked.
Trying to figure out which one is the best is often about personal taste. What you like, who you prefer. Written tutorials have been the standard for a long time. With the availability of broadband, especially in South Africa, other tutorial opportunities arise.
The in thing now is Video and MP3 tutorials. Video tutorials are great because they give you a hands on visual of how to do things. Downloading them gives the added benefit of being able to refer back when a refresher course is needed.
Two great sites I would like to mention in this regard is DNRTV and DotnetRocks.
DNRTV is a fusion of a training video and an interview show. Training videos are typically sterile and one-way. DNRTV is a training video on steroids. You get the benefit of the training video, plus the interaction, comedy, personality of a talk show. Kind of like Larry King Live for .NET.
You need to see the code in your training video. In this format, you get the spontaneity of an interview talk show, and the detail of a webcast or training video. All available in a variety of downloadable formats.
.NET Rocks! is a weekly talk show for anyone interested in programming on the Microsoft .NET platform. The shows range from introductory information to hardcore geekiness.
The show is presented as a podcast and is available in MP3 format, as well as WMA and AAC. The beauty about this is that you can download the mp3 files and burn CDs for the commute to and from work, or simply listen on a portable media player. There are also transcripts of each show available on the site.
Your hosts
Carl Franklin is the host of the wildly popular mp3 talk show .NET Rocks!, which he started recording in August, 2002. He is also the host of the increasingly popular show dnrTV. dnrTV launched on January 12th, 2006.
Check it out, and let me know what you think. Have you ever used and downloaded any of the dnrTV or DotNetRocks shows. If so, let me know how it went? Did you enjoy them? Would you recommend them to someone else?
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