Twitter hit by StalkDaily worm
Apr12Written by:
2009/04/12 07:17 AM
Viruses, viruses, viruses. When will it ever stop. Seems that no matter what you do. Not matter what technology you invent, there is someone out there willing to destroy it. Myspace, Facebook, and now the 140 character Social Networking phenomenon Twitter, has been hit by a worm. When will it stop.
After a bad week last week for Twitter, where they were down as a result of varieous glitches, including missing avatars, lost Tweets, and vanishing DMs, their problems just got even worse. Twitter has apparently been infected by a worm originating from the owners of the website StalkDaily (Note: Do not visit this website, as it may cause your computer to become infected).
Yesterday the attack seemed to reach critical mass, as hundreds of tweets and blog posts surfaced regarding the worm. Right now not much details are available, but it appears that visiting the Twitter profile page of an infected user can lead your profile to become infected as well (some reports say that the worm modifies your ‘About Me’ section to include a link to the worm). Infected users begin to repeatedly spam tweets directing users to the StalkDaily website
Apparently no passwords, phone numbers, or other sensitive information were compromised as part of this attack, says Twitter on their status page..
Twitter has posted the an update to its status page stating that the issue has been fixed. "If you have been locked out of your acc dues to the StalkDaily issues, pls do a p/w reset, we may have reset ur p/w for safety"
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