Blogger died in Iranian Jail
Mar20Written by:
2009/03/20 08:56 AM 
(CNN) -- A young blogger arrested in Iran for allegedly insulting supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in an Internet posting has died in prison, his attorney said Friday.
Omid Mir Sayafi, reported to be in his 20s, died in Evin prison, which is located in Tehran and known for its wing that holds political prisoners.
Sayafi was first arrested in April, then released for 41 days before being arrested again. He was sentenced to 2½ years in prison for comments on a blog that his lawyer argued was intended only for a few friends to read.
Aren't you glad you do not live in Iran. In most westernised countries we have freedom of speech. Which means, with in reason, we can say just about anything.
With the kind of governments that we currently have, we all have an opinion as to how they should run our country. Many time we will disagree with what they say and what they do. We have the freedom of expressing that view, with out the fear of being arrested, or being killed.
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