Introduction to Web Apps with C#3.0 and Visual studio 2008.
Mar7Written by:
2009/03/07 07:25 PM 
We are always in need of teaching. No matter how much we know, we can never know enough. Also, we tend to think that some things are just to simple, without realising that there are people out there who are just starting out, and want to know the basics.
I have been in programming for many years, learning new languages all the time. I basically taught myself, from books and tutorials based on the internet. Its time to give back to the community.
Besides you always learn more when you are teaching. I am now programming in C#, using Visual Studio 2008, So over a period of time I have started to develop some basic tutorials to help get the novice off his/her feet, and lessen the learning curve. Most of these tutorials ate text based articles. When we find that there is a keen interest we will move to video based tutorials.
Our introduction to C# and web development can be found at: Introduction to Web Apps with C#3.0 and Visual studio 2008
Enjoy. If there are other tutorial that you are interested in seeing posted on this site. Let me know.
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