Facebook hit by virus/worm again. Thats 5 security threats in one week.
Mar3Written by:
2009/03/03 11:19 PM 
According to Trend Micro, Facebook has had five different security problems in the last week. A new Koobface worm variant is plaguing Facebook users.
The new variant of the Koobface worm poses as a social network friend, profile photo and all, and sends a message with a link to a video. The message claims the recipient is in the video. The malicious landing page displays the friend's name as well as a picture pulled from the person's Facebook profile. Seems legit. Beware.
The latest attack follows shortly after another rogue application Facebook attack last week that enticed users to click on malicious links with a phony notification warning them that they had violated the site's terms of service.
Although Facebook seems to be the primary target, other social networking sites, including MySpace, Livejournal, Hi5, Friendster, MyYearbook, Bebo, Tagged, Netlog, Fubar have also suffered similar attacks.
Be aware at all times of the things that you download and connect too. Do some research first. Do not just trust everything that comes in your in-box or wall or other area of your SN. Do not be a Facebook app freak and download every Facebook app you can get your hands on. Be careful be choosy.
Just because a message might look like it comes from a friend or contact, doesn't mean it does, especially if it contains an "irresistible" link to some video or information. Remember the phrase, "If it seems too good to be true, it probably is". I know this normally applies to easy money scams, but it can be applied here as well. If something is so irresistible and so unbelievable, beware.
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