Which is better Blogger.com vs Wordpress.com?
Feb28Written by:
2009/02/28 10:38 AM 
Everyday new people are introduced into the world of blogging. Whether you are a social blogger or a pro blogger, you had to start out somewhere. A lot of newbie bloggers might not have the technical skills to set up a blog and host it themselves. That is where free blog platforms and free blog hosting comes into play. Blogger.com and WordPress.com seem to be the top two. But which one is best.
Like all things best or better is objectionable, its personal, its what you need or can afford at any given time. There are so many comparisons on the internet, and so many biased opinions, it is sometimes difficult to figure out which truly is the best. But I guess that's the nature of the beast. "One man's junk is another man's treasure".
There are obviously other blogging platforms, like Typepad, Movable Type, LiveJounal,etc. Some are free some are not. But I do not mentions them or compare them here because some are not free and some I have not tried out yet.
I first started blogging using blogger.com (blogspot), which is a added application from Google. I then got introduced to Wordpress.com. Both have pros and cons, both appeal to different audiences. Some would say that Blogger is for newbies or social bloggers, others would argue that WordPress is for geeks.
I guess the point is what works best for you. I guess that their might be a couple of things that one might consider when choosing a free blogging platform. They might be:
- Blog Import: In Blogger - limited availability to import and export only in the same blogging platform; in WordPress - you can import from several other platforms, including from Blogger.
- Image Storage: In Blogger - 1GB; in WordPress - 3 GB.
- Static Pages: In Blogger - not available; in WordPress - static pages can be listed in separate menus.
- Post by Email: In Blogger - accepted; in WordPress - not.
- Categories: In Blogger - not available; in WordPress - arranged with no problem.
- File Uploading: In Blogger - not available; in WordPress - files can be uploaded.
- Indexing Time: Here Blogger produces far better results, as due to the tight connections with Google, it can appear in the Search Engines very fast.
- Blog Monetization: WordPress has serious restrictions on the publishing ads, so if you plan to use AdSense, your preferences will probably lean more to the Blogger.
- Themes. With blogger.com you can have your own template/theme, with WordPress.com you can not.
- Interface. I guess this is personal.
- Plugins. WordPress has almost every pluggin you can imagine for a website and Blogger lagging behind.
- Stats. Not stats available for Blogger, unless you use a third party, like Google Analytics. Wordpress has their own stats, plugins are also available.
There are probably many other things that you might want to compare. Why don't you list them for us?
I would really appreciate if you could Tell us which platform you prefer and use, and a brief description why.
Happy blogging.
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Re: Which is better Blogger.com vs Wordpress.com?
Well, I'm using blogger - I have a WordPress Acc too - because I found a template which suited my style ... the look of WP seemed too 'narrow' for me ...
WP certainly seems to have a lot more bells & whistles and I'll certainly explore it's potential in the future ... By OneStonedCrow on
2009/09/21 08:50 PM