To blog or Not to blog.
Feb20Written by:
2009/02/20 08:47 AM
I just recently signed up on MyDigitallife. Had a look around. There is some cool stuff there. But have to ask the question. How does setting up a blog on MyDigitalLife help me?
I already have many other blogs that I am trying to keep up. This one being my main blog. I have a few others, but I am pressed for time to write posts for all of them. Isn't another blog going to waste my time?
I made my first post to Mydigitallife. Received 21 hits so far. Not much. Got two comments, both say that I could contribute to MyDigitalLife blog, because having read my blog, they agree that the topics I write about is just what they want.
If you get voted as an author on MydigitalLife, you can earn digi-Rands. Each hit your blog generates equals 10c. So I would have earned R2.10. Wow. But I’m nervous. As with most internet content, it is originality that counts. MydigitalLife is no exception. The rule is that you have to have original content. This means that I cannot post an item to this blog and post the same item to MydigitalLife.
What does this mean? Well it means that if I choose to go with MydigitalLife, I have to come up with more articles, or my current Blog will suffer. I have read in many places that it is difficult to keep multiple Blogs. Especially blogs of the same or similar topics. Both this blog and MydigitalLife are tech blogs. I have also experienced this first hand, by trying to maintain two blogs on the same topic.
The dilemma is. Should I go with MydigitalLife or stick to my blog. Pour everything into it. My gut says stick to your own blog. Pour everything you can into it, it will make money one day.
Keen if some guys or gals, could jump in here and answer some of these questions. Let me know what your feeling are. It will sure help me a lot.
Why choose MyDigitalLife as a blog medium when you can use one of the other more prominent ones, like Wordpress or blogger?
How have you made MyDigitalLife work for you? Should I abandon my current blog and go MydigitalLife, or carry on with this blog?
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