Website Development
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Professionally Designed
Website and CMS
which contains everything needed for your online success
<h1>Should my company have a website?</h1>

Should my company have a website?


Do I need a website?

There are many benefits to having a website for your company and it’s not as difficult to get into Internet Marketing as it used to be. In fact, having a website has become standard along with having a phone or fax number.

A website is more than a dynamic platform for promoting your business; it can function as a multi-purpose virtual marketing & business tool that streamlines your traditional business processes and makes them more efficient.

The Internet is the perfect business tool. From an online business, to just a small page to have customers contact you over the phone, the Internet can do all this and more.

It's so cheap to have a website now, why wouldn't you? You can get a domain name for R160, get a manage-it-yourself website, and you're in business for a few hundred rand a month. Thats cheap web hosting when compare with the alternatives. Compare that to the outrageous prices charged for yellow page ads, which can range in price from R7,000 to over R800,000 per year.

Combine this with the fact that a growing percentage of the population is turning to the web for information every day and you have a powerful marketing tool. And as I mentioned earlier, there are tools available now that will allow you to build and manage your own website just by pointing and clicking. So you no longer have to pay a web developer hundreds or thousands of Rands to get a great looking website. This means that you can get a very good quality website for a very cheap price.

And remember that cheap is not quality. But good quality at a good price, thats cheap.



<h1>Website Design</h1>

Website Design


The design of your website plays an important role in communicating what you do, who you are and how you want to be perceived.

 What we do in terms of Web Design:

  • Logo Design (when needed)
  • Establishing a Website Layout
  • Graphics
  • Website Colours

Some common web design goals include:

  1. Brand Awareness or New Brand Establishment
    Generally we find that businesses like to build brand awareness through their website and will thus use the branding they have used in the past for their website. If it is a new business or if the branding is out-dated, a website is a great way to establish your business's image.
  2. Differentiation from competition
    If you've discovered since inception that your branding looks similar to that of a competitor or a totally unrelated business, a website can help you differentiate yourself and make your marketing efforts more effective.
  3. Positive reflection of the desired company image
    Sometimes it is difficult to put the desired "image" of your company into an actual graphical representation. Our designer have experience in this area and make this job look easy. Unlike print marketing, web marketing is much more merciful in that you can chop and change easily until the desired result is achieved.

The Web Design Process:

  1. Logo Design (if needed)
    If you do not yet have a logo for your business, we will work with you to define a brief for the design of your logo, where we define your reservations (if any) on the colour schemes, look & feel (eg. elegant vs. funky), specific elements / graphics you would like used, etc. These items can be defined by considering any existing branding and how you position yourself (how you want to be perceived).
    A series of logos is produced based on the brief for your review. Once a logo is chosen adjustments can be made as needed.
  2. Web Design Brief
    Having a logo establish is important as the design should ideally compliment your brand and communicate what you do, while leaving the visitor with the right memorable impression. With a logo designed, we move on to the design of the site, where we define a web design brief. Again, the brief describes your reservations on colour schemes, look & feel, specific graphics to be used.
  3. The Design
    The design template is done according to the brief and a series of options is provided. Once a design has been chosen adjustments are made as needed.
  4. Implementation
    The artwork moves from the design desk to our developers for implementation. This is where the design becomes a functional website before being uploaded to the web.

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 Contact Us Now

Email  us now or call us on 082-413-1420,  to host your website.

We design and develop websites. We develop websites that make a difference. We do Dotnetnuke Module development.

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